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Construction Law Authority / Posts tagged "dispute"

Arbitrate, Mediate, or Litigate?

You are about to embark on a new construction project, hoping for the best but preparing for the worst. The construction contract is almost done. At issue is what the contract should state about how disputes among the parties should be resolved; should they be arbitrated, mediated, or litigated?...

Attorney’s Fees and Construction Liens: The Effect of Pre-Foreclosure Settlement Offers

In Florida, F.S. §713.29 allows the prevailing party in a construction lien foreclosure action to recover reasonable attorney's fees incurred as a result of the foreclosure. By introducing the risk of potentially paying the opposing party's attorney's fees, this statute is designed to encourage settlement of lien disputes without the need for litigation. In its most basic form, this statute awards the "winner" in a lien foreclosure lawsuit its attorney's fees. What many people do not realize however is the impact this statute can have in settlement discussions prior to the filing of a lawsuit....

The Good Faith Exception to Fraudulent Liens

The good faith exception to fraudulent liens does not protect all liens recorded in good faith from being deemed fraudulent. With the holding in Medellin v. MLA Consulting, Inc., it is more important than ever for a lienor to be sure the amounts in its lien are for work that will properly support a lien, or it runs the risk of its lien being deemed fraudulent....